What religion has to do.

What religion has to do?

As the aim of religion is realizing eternal life, the works of true religion should be nothing but realizing the eternal life in each individual. As mentioned in LCN #1, it is all about spiritual revolution, and each individual has to practice the procedures that Victor Christ -our role model- did.  It is different from those being done in existing religions, i.e. worship powerful being like God/Allah and devote their lives to increase/protect/revenge their sacred being’s influence/dignity and then eventually generates massive killing. Unlike what has been happening under the name of religion, true religion does things peacefully and internally more like an honest farmer does. A farmer seeds, cultivates and harvests. True religion sows seeds of life, weeds things of death, then harvests eternal life after overcoming death.

Enlighten the ignorant

All our daily struggling are in fact grounded on ignorance. When the imperfection -it’s nickname– is fueled with proud, the world become  chaos and get lost. It shall be true religion that tell us fundamental elements right and clearly, i.e. true identify of human being, God, cause of life and death. Right fundamental produces the ground on which seeds of life can grow, means we shall be able to see things in right perspective. Man is neither an evolved monkey nor a creature. Every one of us are God’s direct descendent. Though Bible says so, it has been treated like an old decoration, as popular imperfect religions have produced wrong translations at their pleasure and that won’t go with it. God of Life was not an almighty, it was penetrated by god of Death. Since possessed the power of Death in addition, God itself became human being. As the power of Death was stronger, it took ownership of Life to transform God into Man, sinner. Both powers are present in human spirit through blood line. As long as one obeys own will, therefore, one can’t avoid death, because the will come from the sinful spirit.

Leads spiritual exodus

Our original hometown was the paradise where our ancestor Adam and Eve lived with God happily eternally until it was destroyed by the power of Death. The destruction put those residents and their descendants into slavery of Death which is running in our blood forming the spirit of Self/the ego. As the spirit is the root of desire, obeying Self means committing sins regardless it is good or bad in human’s view point. Therefore, we have to escape from the spiritual slavery to regain God’s place in the leadership of Victor Christ.

Realizes eternal life

When a son of God –including you of course- overcomes the power of Death, the reborn God qualifies to live in the Kingdom of God ever after. Victor Christ is the very first one who pioneered the path successfully, so eternal life is no longer just name sake, it has been realized and the invisible flying Being -Victor Christ- helps the spiritual journey.What religion has to do

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